Cute Hairstyles for Your Lil' Honey!

Inspiration for Today

Daily Blessing
Saturday March 15, 2025

Today's Verse:
   But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him.

Homespun HoneyBee Designs

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Monday, January 30, 2012

Have a Curl and a Smile

 Skill Level -1 Time Factor -1.5 Cuteness Factor -2.5
Try this on: Babies or Toddlers with little or no hair.  My model today is Merry.  As a toddler she spends most of her time playing.  Often she is on the floor with her blocks, dolls, or puzzles, looking down at the ground.  At this stage my goal with her hair is mainly just to keep it out of her eyes as it is growing in.  The back is pretty well past her shoulders when sopping wet, and curls up nicely when dry.  For this play day style you will need your toolbox with 4 elastics ready to use.  I sprayed her dry hair with water and massaged in a dimes worth of our favorite Curling Creme to separate and define her sweet little curls in the back.
1- Separate the front of the hair by parting it with your rat tail comb from ear to ear.  Part again down the middle in the front.  Take a section from the left side of the part and secure it into an elastic.  Take the ponytail from that elastic and join it with the bottom section of hair and secure into another elastic.
2- Repeat on the other side of head.
And voila!! You have a curl and a smile:
  Use THIS WEEKS COUPON CODE: SPRUNG12 for 20% off any purchase in my shop.
Now go enjoy your day!
-The Homestylemom

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