Cute Hairstyles for Your Lil' Honey!

Inspiration for Today

Daily Blessing
Friday March 14, 2025

Today's Verse:
   And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Homespun HoneyBee Designs

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Over The Top Twists

Try this for: Short to medium hair.  Skill Level - 2.5 Time Factor - 2.5 Cuteness Factor - 3
Warmer weather will be here soon.  Do you need a fun Sunday Morning hairdo?  Is your little girl in a wedding this spring?  Then this hairstyle may be the answer you are looking for.  Grab your toolbox, plug in your heat styling tool of choice and let's begin.  We are going to need about 30 minutes for this trendy updo.
1- Part out a circular section of hair right at the crown and secure it with an elastic or clip.
2- Spray and part the bangs in your favorite location.  We are side parters.
3-  Take the bangs on the right side and separate into two sections and begin to twist.  Go here if you need a twist tutorial.  You may want it soft.  I like to comb as I go to keep it very tight and neat.  Keep it rather high and straight rather than following the hairline down.  When you get to the center back, secure with an elastic or clip.
4-  Repeat on the left side of head as well.
5- Gather the two twists into an elastic at the back of the head as shown below.
6- Using your fingers or TT tool, pull the ponytail up from the bottom and out the top.
7- Fluff and tease this hair as desired.  This will help fill out and "fluff" your updo.
8- Gather and prepare several bobby pins for use.  Twist the center section of hair and secure with as many bobby pins as you need to make it secure atop her head.  Be sure to anchor them by criss-crossing for best staying power.
9- Spray remaining hair with heat protectant.  We like Aussie because it smells good :)
10- Use your curling iron or favorite heat styling tool to curl SMALL sections of hair.
11- Repeat as much or little as desired to create piles of curls, strands of ringlets, or just fullness with the hair.
12- Take some photos and enjoy your lovely little girl and her special day!

This would look terrific adorned with tiny fresh flowers, a sparkly headband, or even a simple ribbon.
For some great accessory ideas be sure to check out my shop.  Enjoy 15% off any item with THIS WEEKS COUPON CODE: BRRR2012. 
Now go enjoy your day!
-The Homestylemom

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Bed Bug to Love Bug

Try this for: Thin or short hair.  Super long hair without bangs.
Skill Level - 2 Time Factor - 2 Cuteness Factor - 2
This week Merry had a bit of a bug and was pretty pitiful for much of the day.  I was glad when the end of the week came and she was ready for "hairdo me."  That is what she says when she is ready for me to do her hair.
 This really is a simple 'do That is based on a 2-1-2 pattern with elastics.  Begin by wetting and parting out the front of the hair into two sections.  Secure with elastics. 
Gather a horseshoe-shaped section of hair at the top of the head and pull it into a pony with Half of the front right ponytail and Half of the front left ponytail.
Part the hair behind that center pony to the top of the ear in half.  Split that top center pony in half and secure it into an elastic with the parted hair on the left AND the hair from the front left pony.  Take the remaining hair from the top center and put it into and elastic on the right side of the head with that hair AND the hair from the front right pony.  I like to place these right on top and close to the head so that they spring to life!  That is the main reason they look so adorable on little ones.  It is like a bugs antennae sitting atop her head.
And now the front top view.
And here she is from the front.  This would also look TERRIFIC with a pair of ponytail bows from my shop.

THIS WEEKS COUPON CODE for Free Shipping: LuvBug12.  Now go enjoy your day!
-The Homestylemom